It took us a little while to think about the fitting message for this year’s season’ s greetings. The music world has probably never faced comparable challenges, and we are all painfully aware of how many artists and free structures this crisis quickly became existential for.

Nevertheless, it was good and helpful for us to see how much connection and solidarity can be felt even in difficult times. This makes us confident that all of us who care about music will be able to bring concert life back to life in all its diversity and beauty as soon as this is reliably possible. We lead an intensive dialogue about the development with our artists and ensembles – and it is a great pleasure to see how much energy this conversation holds and how many plans are forged for new, exciting projects.

Although it was a very short concert year, we consider ourselves lucky having seen at least some of our many planned concert projects taking place: The very first meeting between the Chamber Orchestra of Europe and Sir Simon Rattle in the Philharmonie Berlin, the anniversary “Leonore” with René Jacobs and the Freiburger Barockorchester, and of course the exciting trip with the Freiburgers to Melbourne – which ended just before the first lock-down in March.

As an agency, we are ready to greet the upcoming changes in the music market with excitement and optimism. Among other things, we used this concert-free time to design new online and offline consultation formats that support artists, ensembles and orchestras in developing sustainable strategies and projects and thus help to shape future concert life.

But before everything can start again, we wish you and you a peaceful Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Our office will be closed between 19th December 2020 and 10th January 2021.