We offer
Sponsoring, subsidies, donations, crowdfunding – the acquisition of outside financial assistance is one of the primary duties of contemporary music and orchestra management. With workshops designed to fit your needs, we can help you develop fundraising strategies that are suited to your situation. We can also assume the responsibility of applying for funding from foundations and government agencies, or conduct an appraisal of your organization’s existing sponsoring arrangements. In addition, if you wish, we can also direct the planning and organization of specific projects, including accounting and the preparation of a qualified financial report.
Chamber Orchestra of Europe
The Chamber Orchestra of Europe (COE) has been one of the most important orchestras in the world for over 40 years. The COE is a privately funded orchestra and receives valuable support from a number of private donors and the Gatsby Charitable Foundation, without which it could not exist.
In order to secure the future of the COE, we support the development of a medium and long-term fundraising strategy. This includes, among other things:
- Needs analysis, target definition
- Target group definition
- Definition of measures
- Implementation of individual measures (funding applications, campaigns)
- Establishment of an international support group

Our next workshops
Workshop Fundraising 2
Stolperfallen und Wissenswertes
Workshop Fundraising 1:
Konzept, Unterlagen, Kalkulation