Mozart y Mambo©Monika Rittershaus
Sarah Willis, José Antonio Mendez & Havana Lyceum Orchestra © Monika Rittershaus

Carribean sounds in the snow

Sarah Willis has thrilled the international music scene with her favourite project Moart y Mzambo: three highly acclaimed recordings, several invitations to the most renowned concert halls and the founding of her own salsa band, Sarahbanda, are the result of the intensive collaboration between the horn player, the Havana Lyceum Orchestra and its conductor José Antonio Mendez. In February 2024, Sarahbanda will bring Caribbean flair to wintry Europe with European art music, South American compositions and Cuban rhythms! 25 January 2024, Società Filarmonica Trento / 27 January 2024, Schloss Elmau / 29 January 2025, HUK-Coburg / 04 February 2024, Nikolaisaal Potsdam CUBAN DANCES Sarah Willis, horn & musical leader / Yuniet Lombida, saxophone / Jorge Aragón, piano Carlos García, doubble bass / Aylin Pino, violine / Adel González & Alejandro Aguilar, percussion Works based on W. A. Mozart and by Jorge Aragón, Yuniet Lombida, Ernesto Oliva a.o.