Collegium Vocale Gent©Eric de Mildt / Orpheus Chamber Orchestra©Neda Navaee / Scharoun Ensemble & Hamburg Philharmonic State Orchestra©Felix Broede

Welcome on board!

We are very much looking forward to working with Collegium Vocale Gent, the Hamburg Philharmonic State Orchestra, Scharoun Ensemble & Orpheus Chamber Orchestra! Each of the four ensembles can look back on a tradition that is as rich as it is successful – whether as the first orchestra to realise a consistently democratic understanding both structurally and artistically, such as the Orpheus Chamber Orchestra, or as a partner of music-historical personalities over two centuries, such as the Hamburg Philharmonic State Orchestra, or as the creator of innovative performance practices of the Baroque vocal repertoire, such as the Collegium Vocale Gent. The Scharoun Ensemble, on the other hand, has succeeded for over 40 years in bringing the excellence of its ‘orchestra of origin’, the Berlin Philharmonic, to full fruition in a small ensemble.

Find out more about the renowned orchestras and ensembles on their respective detail pages: