René Jacobs © Philippe Matsas

Beyond Baroque

Boundaries are there to be explored and overcome: a conviction that has led the Belgian B’Rock Orchestra and its spiritus rector René Jacobs to sensational interpretations of the baroque and classical repertoire in the past. The interpretation of Beethoven’s Missa Solemnis is now on the programme, together with the congenial Zürcher Sing-Akademie.

René Jacobs receives this year’s Musikfest Prize, which the festival has awarded annually since 1998 to important soloists, ensembles, orchestras and conductors who have made their own mark in the international music world through their outstanding artistic work and have helped to shape the profile of the Musikfest: “René Jacobs has been one of the formative protagonists of the Flemish-Dutch original sound movement for decades. With his pioneering spirit and in-depth study of scores and historical sources, he subjects works from the early Baroque to the Romantic period to a captivating new light.” (From the jury statement.)

5 September 2024, Musikfest Bremen
Birgitte Christensen, soprano / Sophie Harmsen, mezzo-soprano / Thomas Walker, tenor / Johannes Weisser, baritone / Zürcher Sing-Akademie / René Jacobs, conductor
L.v. Beethoven: Missa Solemnis in D. major op. 123