Collegium Vocale Gent


Collegium Vocale Gent, founded in 1970 by Philippe Herreweghe, revolutionized baroque vocal music by embracing new performance practices. Their emphasis on authenticity and textual clarity propelled them to international acclaim, gracing stages from Europe to Asia. Since 2017, the ensemble has hosted its own summer festival, Collegium Vocale Crete Senesi, in the picturesque setting of Tuscany, Italy.

With a diverse repertoire spanning centuries, Collegium Vocale Gent has evolved into a versatile ensemble, tailoring its forces to suit each project. From intimate renditions of Renaissance music to grand symphonic performances of Romantic and contemporary works, the ensemble’s adaptability knows no bounds. Their mastery of German Baroque, particularly J.S. Bach’s vocal compositions, remains unparalleled.

Collaborating with leading historical and symphony orchestras, Collegium Vocale Gent has established itself as a dynamic force in the classical music world. Under Herreweghe’s guidance, the ensemble has amassed a prolific discography, showcasing their artistry and innovation. Supported by the Flemish Community, the city of Ghent, and Belgium’s National Lottery, Collegium Vocale Gent continues to inspire audiences worldwide with its timeless interpretations and unwavering commitment to musical excellence.



“Rarely has virtuoso colouratura been heard with such naturalness and expressiveness as with the Collegium vocale from Ghent.”

Tagesspiegel Berlin, 16 September 2022

„There are ensembles and conductors who are indispensable to the performance history of a composer. In the case of the Collegium Vocale Gent conceived by Philippe Herreweghe, this is Johann Sebastian Bach, who has been elevated to the musical shield in a very small ensemble.“

bachtrack, 08 April 2022

“Anyone who thinks they know Bach’s St John Passion inside out was proved wrong by this performance.”

onlinemerker, 15 Februar 2018